Hello, World!

Hello, World!

for the zillion time

Hi! it's me again. Your favorite this-is-my-new-blog and hopefully-I-keep-writing nerd is back. At least I haven't fully abandoned my GitLab pages blog, yet. Again, since I'm the laziest there is, and also since I like trying new stuff, I've decided to try Hashnode. Most probably I will write a couple of articles, procrastinate or forget to write anything new, forget about the blog itself, and when I remember it, delete it and start over somewhere else. This is my blogging cycle, if you know me you most probably know that already.

So quick updates;

  • I haven't worked on my static site generator project since February
  • I decided to study project management, pursue PMP certificate. This also didn't happen
  • Made/copied a list of what I need to learn/revise so I can shift to devops. At least I made the list, right?

The goals for this blog is the same as it's ancestors; practice my writing, force myself to work on my goals, and show off my awesomeness.

That's all for now, bye.